Members' Gallery - Katie Stanney
Tranquility on the Welland - by Katie Stanney - Acrylic
Katie Stanney has been drawing and painting for as long as she can remember. In 2008 she started pastel painting with Peter Dalziel at the Lincolnshire Gallery and found she loved painting portraits. She also paints animals, trees and landscapes, works with all types of pencil, pen, and most recently with acrylics and oils.
She joined the Society at the beginning of 2009, offered to design a website and was promptly and enthusiasticly taken up on it! She is a former committee member, Society's Webmaster and Newsletter Editor.
This painting was a commission, of the Welland, at The Meadows, Stamford."
Below is a pastel painting, The Joy of Song, which was awarded a Highly Commended certificate in the South Holland Open Arts 2009.
Copyright: Spalding Arts & Crafts Society 2025