Spalding Arts & Crafts Society - Crafts
In this part of our website we hope to show the 'crafts' side of Spalding Arts & Crafts. Any members who do, or have done in the past, any crafts please share them with us. You don't have to be an expert, just an enthusiast.
Links will be added to relevant websites for each section with useful information or supplies for each craft, to help anyone who may be inspired to try them.
We hope that any members who do or have done any crafts will share them with us, with a few details and photos about their craft, and about themselves. Don't be shy! You don't have to be an expert!
Details should be emailed to with a few photos of your craft items attached. Photos should be of good quality and of a reasonable size. Please quote your membership number.
If you can't email details and photo, you can always bring written details along to one of the monthly demonstration evenings. You can either bring your craft items to the meeting and they can be photographed, or bring photos and I will scan and return them to you. Or better still, how about having the Craft table at one of the monthly meetings, to display your crafts? Anyone interested in this, have a word with a member of the committee.
Copyright: Spalding Arts & Crafts Society 2025