

A brief look at the various activities that members can enjoy. See the relevant pages for full details.


We have demonstrations by visiting artists on the first Tuesday of each month, apart from January. A chance for us all to see how the professionals do it and pick up some useful tips.


We are pleased to announce that the Society are booked to hold an exhibition in 2024 at The Spalding Library, Victoria Street Spalding.

  • Friday 6th September - Monday 30th September

We may also have other exhibitions at other venues during the year.

Art Challenges

Members are given a subject to paint.

Members can also have details of their own exhibitions included on the website. Email Stuart with your details

Photos of previous exhibitions can be seen in the

 Exhibition Gallery

We also have an online gallery of members' paintings. Any member wishing to have a page in the gallery should sent a good photo of one of their paintings plus the title and medium, and a few details about themselves.

Members Gallery

Painting Together

Join us at our popular Painting Together sessions
These are held are held on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at Pinchbeck Village Hall 10am - 12pm.
£4 members £5 visitors.
The session is untutored, tea and coffee is included.

      Our Next Painting Together Date:-

              Tuesday January 14th

Paint Out

Occasionally in the summer we may have a plein air get together at various locations.


Some of our members enjoy other creative crafts, and a selection of these can be seen in the Crafts section.

We do occasionally have a demonstration of a craft at our monthly meetings, although these can be harder to demonstrate to a large audience. Usually at these type of demos, members are able to have a try.